Sunday, October 16, 2016

The Blue Room

Here are some truly horrible befores of our master bedroom with their current counterparts. I removed several layers of wallpaper while the downstairs bathroom was being renovated in 2008/January 2009. While I was steaming wallpaper off the wall with the headboard, I noticed a big wet patch on the closet wall. At first, I didn't think anything of it, but then realized...hey...I haven't been working on that wall. That can't be good.

It wasn't, but not as bad as it could be. The upstairs shower was dripping, the shower pan leaked and (naturally) the drain was clogged, so it had finally collected enough water to leak through the ceiling and into the closet below. I emptied the pan with my shop vac and asked the convenient present plumber to cap the leaky pipes upstairs. Problem solved. Plus it made wallpaper removal just a bit easier on that wall.

This room went through a few iterations before I settled on the blue with black and white and pink. I intended to include a few more punches of fuchsia with some art but never got around to it. The vent above the bed made it tricky to figure out where to hang anything.

(Like any self-respecting man, Todd insists that I keep a vase of fresh hot pink flowers on his nightstand. Obviously.)

All photos (except the awful befores) are Rachel Southmayd's work: find her at Pixy Prints Photography.

Want to see the rest of the house? Check out the other rooms on the house tour tag:
Kitchen and entry
Jo's office
Upstairs and upstairs bathroom
Downstairs bathroom
Outside and the "we sold the house" story
Dining room
Living room

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