Anyway. You may notice from the photo below that the last papered wall in my office (sporting a jaunty gold and brown pattern) is now gone. Todd and I each took a side of the door, and since it was only (only!) two layers, it didn't take too long.
My office was back together for all of a day and a half, before we went to Home Depot for a gallon of navy blue paint (last night). I also brought along the gallon of pink primer we had left over from the living room, in hopes that they could tint it purple or something so I could use it (they did). FYI, dark colors require a tinted primer, or it's at least recommended. Because I did a somewhat mediocre job removing all the wallpaper paste, I figure the primer helps the paint adhere a little better.
and angle number two...
Then, first coat of blue paint. This is blue. I actually don't know if I looked at the name of the color (a first) because we marched in to the store, plucked a few blues from the chips, compared for about 30 seconds, and decided on a color. No taping to the wall, no testing at home, and hopefully it'll be ok. So far, looks fine.
I have to say, I'm a lot happier with the coverage from this blue than I was with the blue in our room (which is more in the royal family than navy). Maybe it's the purple primer (rather than the gray we used in the bedroom), but one coat looked good (despite some streakiness, which is to be expected) and the second looks like that might be all it needs. Nighttime and light bulbs are deceptive, though, so I'm not holding my breath. I will say that it's a whole lot less of a pain to paint when you're not taping everything and trying to avoid trim and whatnot. I ripped off the baseboard last fall, so it'll get repainted separate from the wall.
This whole setup with the blue paint is a departure from the original plan. I was going to install hair-rail height tongue-in-groove pine paneling around the room, painted white. Well, sadly, I bought it too far in advance, let it sit in the garage and warp for nine months, and when I finally went to put it up, it was all bendy and weird. Then I thought I'd do white wainscoting, because it's less campy, but it was kind of expensive. So I had unpainted, unwallpapered plaster walls for a year, until I was inspired. Chair rail is cheap (.50/ft) and classic (a drawback with the paneling, which would have been questionable and rather permanent). WIN!
So, navy paint under the chair rail, the wall with the door outside will be painted white and possibly have a sailboat painted on it (in a very simple, monochromatic way, not like a mural), and BAM! Office complete!!
I'll put up some additional pix when it's all done. ALSO. Pictures of the garden are coming. I can't believe it's been three weeks since we got everything planted!