Sunday, October 9, 2011

Phase Two

So, it's official, our friends are moving out on the last day of October and Kate and Trevor are moving into our house!

To celebrate, we decided to bash out a wall...Ok, not exactly to celebrate. More like, to start plotting the remodel of our lovely upstairs...and its closet-sized dysfunctional charming bathroom.Wait...I didn't show you the shower. This space is less than 32"x32" -- that is super tight.Nice, huh? Anyway, no matter. It's all going away. We're still hashing out how we're going to configure the bathroom and looking at some creative options, but it's exciting to be moving forward. (I'm also pleased because this means I get to go to the Home Depot--more saving, more doing...I'm not a sucker...)

Meanwhile, outside, here are the laurels Todd's dad planted in July to fill in the gap that the now-gone dead tree left.
There are actually four total, two on each side of the tree stump. The right two just lost a lot of leaves, but they're doing fine now.

One other SWEET little discovery that we are soooo excited about...One of the things we contemplated as we're trying to plan out the bathroom remodel was moving the shower out to be even with this (apparently) useless wall. So we poked a hole in it to find out whether that was an option, and this is what we found...
This is the chimney vent from the oil furnace (removed three years ago when we moved in) and it is fabulous original-to-the-house red brick, so we're going to expose it when we redo all the drywall. That should look legitimately charming and add a lot of character (in a good way) to the upstairs. Cool, huh?

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