Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Kitchen Remodel Unofficially Started!!!

I am so excited to announce that I made the second unofficial step toward kitchen demo this evening. Behold, the dining room wall. Looking good. I know.
Allow me to explain. After badmouthing the grasscloth wallpaper in the dining room on video nearly five years ago, it has since really grown on me. I love it and wish it were in better condition. All things considered, it's not that bad, but there are some spots that would look better if they were patched.

Since we're taking out half that wall pictured above, between the kitchen and the dining room, this was the perfect opportunity to salvage some grasscloth to patch in. So that's what I did. Luckily, I didn't need very much. Removing wallpaper is not a task for the faint of heart. Removing more than half a sheet of wallpaper nonviolently is something probably only yogis could do. For the record, I am not a yogi. I got about half a sheet and called it good.
Next, I found a pedestal sink for the powder room we're putting in. I don't think I've ever written a sentence like this in my life, but ... it was the cheapest one Home Depot had. That probably just shifted your understanding of the universe, so I'll give you a moment to recover before telling you that it is a mere $54 for the sink and the base. It's the one on the right.
On a non-kitchen-related note, this brass beauty was purchased by the side of the road in Lapine, Oregon for $10 last summer. I'm in the process of painting the brass black, which is turning out to be a more tedious process than I'd anticipated. It'll look great in the upstairs landing though, which is where it will be living eventually.
Lastly, two seasonally appropriate items: pumpkin ale (the stuff from Kennebunkport, ME via Trader Joe's is better than this Blue Moon, but whatever)...
And this spectacular cinnamon roll with walnuts and two americanos made with locally roasted coffee from Great Harvest last rainy Saturday morning, following a trip to the farmers market in a downpour to get heirloom tomatoes. I'm fairly sure you can't get more Oregonian than that.
Demo on the kitchen starts Friday afternoon. Our contractor, Bruce, is bringing a trailer for us to fill. I'm simultaneously beside myself with joy that the day is almost finally here for that horrible, horrible kitchen to disappear, and terrified that my sanity won't be intact by the time it's over for me to enjoy it.

It's time, though. Our faucet has developed a dual-flow function, by which I mean, when you turn it on the water not only comes out of the spout but also conveniently comes out from around one handle. It also drips/runs constantly, regardless of whether we've turned the water off at the valve. On the note of sanity, I might blow up the kitchen myself if I have to listen to it dripping into one more bowl left in the sink.

Three more days!!

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