Monday, July 6, 2015

Kitchen Chairs!

This house has been the catalyst for me developing a number of character traits over the years. Patience is chief among them. I found these chairs in early April at World Market and (patiently) waited a few weeks for a 25% off coupon to show up. Then our friends Thom and Joni went and picked them up for us (thanks, guys!) and I waited (patiently) until last weekend until they could drive the chairs down from Portland.
It's been over two years since we started talking to the contractor about the kitchen remodel. About  a year and a half since it was completed. Five months since I finished my table. And now, FINE-AH-LEE the chairs are in place, furniture is all finished, and the only task left in this amazing space is some art. 
I like the chairs. They're a great deal for the money, especially with 25% off. The seat cushions are super firm and hopefully stay that way, and I think they're a perfect height for the table. Always a bit of a gamble if you can't try out how they fit together before deciding. They're not my forever goal of two perfectly weathered leather wingbacks, but hopefully they wear well for five years or so.

The functionality and comfy-ness they add to the kitchen is fantastic. As I write, I'm sitting in one of them. They make me want to hang out in the kitchen even more, which is totally what I was hoping for.

Lastly, we had a pool company come balance the water after the pool was full. Last Monday the guy knocked on my office door and said, "Don't freak out, I added some ...something... and the water clouded, but it'll clear in a few days." So I went to check it out and it looked like this (it did clear a few days later). In the meantime, it looked like some kind of enchanted blue lagoon.
Cool, huh? Temp's all the way up to 80 degrees due to the ridiculously hot weather we've been having, and I've been swimming four of the last five days it's been open.

1 comment:

  1. All you patience is paying off, it looks lovely! Such a cozy, inviting spot. Well done!
