Sunday, February 8, 2009

Weekly update, AND, fun alternative uses for your SUV (don't watch, Dad)

Although we went to Eugene on Saturday to see Randi, who was in the state, and Tim, who lives there, we still managed to cover a lot of ground this week. Here's what's new around here, as of this evening.

I'm still going to hang curtains in the kitchen (finally got sick of being on display for everyone who drives past, and who knew mini-blinds were so complicated?! Seriously.) but that's all for this week.

We are loving having the log lighter in the fireplace. It's glorious, not having to mess with kindling and newspaper and all that. Having a stove that works is nice, too. It was very nice to look at, but I don't really go in for stainless steel art.

In other news, as mentioned in the video, we had another failed attempt at hanging our front door. We are going to have to take this up with the guys at Pacific Door and Sash, because again, while it's really nice to look at in my living room, I didn't buy it to sit there. Kind of. The problem is that our old door is 36" exactly. The new six-panel steel door is 35.75" so it obviously leaves a gap. The shims they gave us to theoretically make it work didn't work, so...yeah. Back to the drawing board, for them, that is.

Also as mentioned in the video, we did some work outside today (after having a very irritating experience with the blinds that were supposed to go in the kitchen.) Here's me, ripping a dead rhododendron out of the ground:

After we finished that, we tackled a really hideous bushy shrubby thing that I have been waiting to get rid of since we bought the place. There are two segments of this. You'll see why.

After a trip to Bimart, here's what happened. I'm pretty sure that I'm now an Oregonian, after this display. My drivers license may have indicated that for over a year now, but this is proof.

I know that stupid plant doesn't look that big, but the root base that we managed to yank out was a little more than two feet in diameter, and there's still stuff left in the ground. And the rope pictured was around 3/4" thick.


  1. hilarious... i'm so proud to be your friend!

  2. i have not laughed this hard in a while.



    i completely miss you, SO much.
