Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The kitchen. Ugh.

I'll probably write more on this later (well, maybe) but since I'm in the mood to write now, I'm going to capitalize on it. These shots are the kind of granite, called Virginia Mist, we are hoping to use for kitchen counters. I wanted soapstone really bad, since it's really a lot more appropriate to the period of our house, but the way Trevor reacted to the idea, you would have though I was suggesting that we paint the walls with a paste made of crushed bugs. So I went looking for something similar, but granite. It's more durable. We're going to hone it to get more of a soapstone look. I'd like a piece that's slightly less busy than these two slabs.

Another trend freebie: granite countertops, especially polished, are on their way out. That's why I was trying to avoid it. In addition to being totally innappropriate to most homes, they scream "conspicuous consumption" and "I re-fi'ed three times to afford this kitchen" (even though we all know your Viking range is about to be repossessed by the appliance store; you should have known better than to spend 6k on a stove!) none of which is very recession-chic.

We are thinking along the lines of white cabinets and painting the walls....drum rolllll, please....APRICOT!!! I know it's not technically citrus, but it borders on orange, so whatever. There's not all that much paintable wall space in the kitchen, and with the white cabinets, gray counters and a slate floor that will have some hints of orange and purple in it, I think it could work.

If it turns out that white cabinets are too expensive (we are meeting with Mack this weekend to get damage estimate and he totally hates painting so Trevor thinks it'll be pricy) then I'm back to square one. Or we're waiting till August or later to do our kitchen. Bleh. Any opinions on the kitchen are welcomed. If you can't leave comments, facebook me. I hear a lot of people are having trouble commenting. But seriously, I need the input.


  1. Jo-I don't have a comment about your cabinets, just to let you know that I have been following your blog for awhile, I'm Matt Castle's Mom Carolyn and he gave me your link because he knew I'd like to see it because I love decorating. Boy was he right! I can't wait to see what you are doing every week. It's like a Home & Garden TV Show and such fun! You guys are doing a GREAT job and I just love everything so far. I can't believe how fast everything is coming together. You guys are working so hard...WOW! What a beautiful home you are making for yourselves, and you will have such pride when it is done. Hope you don't mind my snooping in!

  2. Thanks!! That makes me really happy. I'm so glad you're following along and watching our progress. It's all a little overwhelming at times, but it's at a good enough point now that we can ignore it for a while and not live in constant chaos. Being able to share it makes it lots more fun :)
