I'd also like to begin a mini-series to note some of the more endearing features of our house, now that I've been spending a lot of time here. In this issue, we'll look at the kitchen sink. The "In-sink-erator" garbage disposal doesn't in-sink-erate much, and by that I mean that it doesn't turn on at all, so we can't put anything solid, regardless of how miniscule, down the kitchen sink. Doing dishes is a joy. I purchased a scrubby brush on a stick, and every day or so, I run the water really hot and stuff the brush down the drain and scrub around until things drain out. Otherwise, it smells like something crawled into our drain and croaked. Charming, right? Due to the "no solids" rule, I also have to dump all solids that would go down the drain off the back steps into what will someday be a flowerbed. I'm sure the health department would have words with me if they knew about this, but I live in Oregon, and I'm calling it compost until further notice. Or until them darn coons start showin' up, at which point I'll have to get my shotgun an'....
Four coats of RL Derby Red later (see video above), we have a stunning living room. Well, it's on its way there. I still have some touch-up work to do, and we have to paint the trim and put the molding up. But the color looks fabulous.
In even more news, our bathroom is now distinctly resembling a bathroom. After gobs of RedGard (don't hold me responsible if that tub manages to leak; I put tons of that goop on it), Trevor started tiling yesterday. This was after he assigned me one of the most menial tasks I've done since I worked in an office. Or ever, for that matter.
I also spent a bunch of time trekking around, listening to country music (so many stations here!!) looking for a hunk of marble to use for our vanity top. I came up with this piece, which has much more dramatic veining than our tile does.I felt like I was living on the wild side, picking it out. Don't laugh! I could have picked a piece that matched perfectly! It was $70,
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