Saturday, January 24, 2009


Before we get into house progress, last night was the first night we had dinner that we cooked here! Since we still don't have a stove (no gas yet) I crock-potted a chicken (a whole one, which I've never done was interesting...) with some potatoes and carrots and stuff. Other than being something of a small milestone (eating dinner other than takeout, frozen buffalo chicken strips, and toaster-oven fare of toasted cheese and...umm...toast) it turned out pretty good.

I spent part of yesterday trying round two of washing the windows.  A few weeks ago, I tried warm soapy water, which was a failure.  Yesterday, I tried a combination of baking soda and white vinegar, to remove what I believe are lime or calcium or something deposits.  No luck.  So after being green didn't work, I tried chemicals.  CLR has never failed me in the past, and I'm pretty sure you could dissolve your finger off with it, but it didn't budge the white junk on the windows.  Annoyed, I complained to Kate and Trevor while we were eating lunch.  Trevor took one look at it and stated that I'd have to razor it off.  Yippee.  I tried it later, and it worked like a charm, of course.  Now I have a few hundred square feet of glass to scrape with a razor.  At least some day the windows will be transparent, and not merely translucent.

Yesterday was also a big turning point in the appearance of the bathroom. Here's a little video detailing that:  
We helped Trevor (a little) with the drywall.  Hanging it was insanely hard; I would never want to meet a drywaller in a dark alley.  Between the drywall and the backerboard in the shower, it's starting to look bathroom-y.  Or at least somewhat less like a shack where the commode consists of a hole in the ground and a few leaves if you're lucky.

We're supposed to give the drywall screws another coat of hot mud, put backerboard around the window sill, and waterproof the living daylights out of everything before Trevor comes back on Tuesday.  And then, we tile!  A week or so from now, we might (maybe, possibly, hopefully) have a finished bathroom, and consequently, we will be able to move in!!

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