Sunday, January 25, 2009

Go big, or go home.

In lieu of this week's update, since nothing's changed in the bathroom since the last post and the only thing different in the rest of the house is that it's messier, I'm posting what we decided to do this afternoon.  

A few days ago, a 10%-off coupon from Home Depot came in the mail, so we went on a shopping spree there yesterday.  Among our purchases: two gallons of pink-tinted Kilz2 primer and three gallons of Ralph Lauren Derby Red (the color you get if you Google it is NOTHING like our color, so even if you do have an awful lot of time on your hands, I wouldn't recommend bothering using it like that).  Rather on a whim (much like how the bathroom went) we decided to paint this afternoon/evening.  Todd's dad generously helped with the primer, which made things clip right along.

You may remember that our living room looked like this before:

So after we primed, it looked like this:

Because the primer is tinted pink (to help the red come through in fewer coats, just like for the blue room we used gray primer) we had to put a coat of red on tonight too.  When we started and the primer was still showing, it looked like the one of those boxes of elementary school valentines rounded up all his buddies and attacked our living room.  Violently.  Since pink is my least-favorite color ever, and I couldn't tolerate the idea of even one day of looking at pink walls, I sort of insisted that we paint one coat tonight.  So we did, and now it's looking approximately like this:


But remember, it has much more of a cool feel. It is NOT NOT NOT tomato-red. Car fanatics will understand when I say it looks much more like a Honda/Acura red and not like a BMW or the shades Mustangs were unfortunately painted a few years back.

Anyway, that's all for tonight, folks. Stay tuned for deeper red shades, or deeper shades of regret. I suppose a few more coats will tell.

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